Смотреть что такое "non-migrant" в других словарях:
Migrant literature — Migrant literature, that is, writings by and to a lesser extent about migrants, is a topic which has commanded growing interest within literary studies since the 1980s. Migrants are defined here as people who have left their homes to settle in… … Wikipedia
Migrant hostels of South Australia — are hostels where thousands of migrants passed from the 1940s to the 1980s. In South Australia these included Elder Park, Gawler, Gepps Cross, Glenelg, Hendon, Mallala, Pennington/Finsbury, Rosewater, Salisbury, Semaphore, Smithfield, Willaston,… … Wikipedia
Migrant domestic workers — who work for wealthy families in the UK are currently allowed to change employers without breaking the law so long as they continue working full time as a domestic worker in a private household. Under proposed changes to the immigration rules in… … Wikipedia
Migrant labourers in Kerala — Total population 10–30 lakh people Regions with significant populations Kerala state, India … Wikipedia
Non-resident Indian and Person of Indian Origin — Total population 30,000,000+ Regions with significant populations … Wikipedia
Migrant Housing Act of North Carolina — The Migrant Housing Act (MHA) of North Carolina (S.B. 631; North Carolina General Statutes 95 222:229) was made into law in the U.S. state of North Carolina in 1989. It governs migrant workers housing through regulations of housing inspections,… … Wikipedia
Migrant — Migration humaine Solde migratoire en 2008 Solde migratoire positif … Wikipédia en Français
Érythème chronique migrant de Lipschutz — Maladie de Lyme Maladie de Lyme Classification et ressources externes CIM 10 A69.2 (ou A69.2+ pour Méningite (basilaire) (cérébrale) (spinale) (à) au cours de maladie de Lyme) CIM 9 088.81 La maladie de Lyme est une maladie parasitaire. Elle est… … Wikipédia en Français
Érythème migrant — L érithème migrant est l une des manifestations externes, fréquente 50 % des cas environ) mais non obligatoire[1] du début de la maladie de Lyme (autrefois aussi nommée « érythème chronique migrant de Lipschutz »). Cette maladie est… … Wikipédia en Français
Environmental migrant — refers to the people who are purportedly forced to migrate from or flee their home region due to sudden or long term changes to their local environment, which is held to include increased droughts, desertification, sea level rise, and disruption… … Wikipedia
May 2007 Malta migrant shipwreck — The migrant boat before it went missing in an image taken by the Armed Forces of Malta On Monday, 21 May 2007, a small and crowded migrant boat was spotted some 80 nmi (150 km) south of Malta by the Maltese Air Force, and photographed… … Wikipedia